Even though networking is hard to do, it’s potential as a business remains attractive to people who want to start up a good business with little start up capital.
We usually hear about the ‘extraordinary’ earnings of some people in network marketing. I previously thought it was all hype until I joined Royale last September 2007. When I joined, the biggest weekly check earned was just around P100,000 (in one week). Now, the record check is P390,000 for 1 week’s earnings held by Ariel De Leon.
These earnings may seem insane for most people, myself included ( I admit, these figures are still way, way above my “psychological wallet “) but I quickly found out among those used to networking that these are actually normal and expected.
I have no questions why network marketing can pay so big. The mechanism of removing middlemen from distribution generates big profits for a networking company (as much as 70% of the prices of goods go to middlemen such as supermarkets etc.). The profits are then distributed instead to the consumer-members.
But to learn about the income in networking is one thing. Trying to earn the big income from network marketing is another story. In the months that I have been doing this business, I did nothing but observe the top earners. At first I could see some obvious traits that separate them from most people but I suspected there was a deeper secret to doing this business. Based on inputs from the Phoenix leaders and other successful networkers, I now know there is. Here is what I have learned so far:
Stage 1 – Before You Join
Choose a good company – one where you can be comfortable endorsing the product because after all, you’ll be sponsoring friends and most of those who will join do so because they trust you.
Know who runs the show – I learned that a lot of network marketing companies fold because the owners and founders themselves are not used to earning millions. Some go corrupt while others just melt from the challenge. Make sure the owner knows how to do business.
Know the Uplines – Uplines are your guide. If the top earners in your company are no longer accessible, you might as well forget it. One reason I joined Royale was the attitude of the Phoenix leaders, particularly Doc Butch. Now, 5 months in, he treats my new downlines like old friends and it’s a great plus to have someone of that calibre mentor you and your team.
Stage 2 – Just after Joining
Decide – Most people get burned in this business because they skip this first step which for me is the most important of all. In Paolo Coelho’s book, The Alchemist, someone said to Santiago, a boy searching for a lost treasure that ‘if you really want it, the universe will conspire to help you”. There is something about being 100% decided to do networking, it helps you through the toughest part which is unfortunately the first part.
Know What to Expect – If you were a boxer in a 12-round match and your coach told you that your opponent will land jabs from the 1st to the 9th round and that you would get hurt but won’t be knocked out and that if you are still standing you’ll land some big blows from the 10th to the 12th and will win the match, will you follow the fight plan and still fight?
The nature of network marketing follows time compounding in which the longer you stay in, the better it gets (assuming you ARE pouring effort building your network). You usually don’t feel the effects of good income until around 6 months of doing the business. But when you start earning substantially, the income increases pretty fast. You just have to ride the challenge of the first few months and keep punching.
Build Your Foundation – When starting, it is advisable not to do anything yet. The first step should be to learn how to do the business – TRAIN. Some view it as a waste of time but leaders view it as a building your foundation. Training does not have to be formal. It could be as simple as meeting your upline often (1x/wk) and letting him or her guide you what to do.
Build your presentation materials. Attend good presentations all the time. Absorb everything first because you will need every ounce of information you get to build your people network.
Dedicate Your Effort – This business really needs mental toughness and perseverance. I discovered a secret that keeps me going: It helps if you dedicate the effort for someone or something that will move you to action no matter what the circumstances are. I carry a picture of my son always and when I feel down, I simply look at it and remember that I dedicate this effort to him, it works like a charm every time.
Stage 3 – Planting Your Seeds
Make Inviting a Habit – At this stage, think like a balut vendor. Balut vendors don’t just focus on one street or worse focus on one house! They go around the neighbourhood inviting people to buy balut. If one of your friends doesn’t want to listen to you, don’t force it, go to the next friend.
I have learned to always keep a brochure or pamphlet with me wherever I go. I’m always ready to invite whenever an opportunity arises. Sow your seeds all the time. I have had people whom I invited months ago join just recently. It turns out, some people take a long time to think and decide about doing something so just be patient and invite, invite, invite. Make it a habit.
“Keep on sowing your seeds, for you never know which will grow – perhaps all will” – Albert Einstein
Learn How to Present – Although invitation is the first step, networking is a business of presentation. Presenting the business is the single most important skill you need to really experience the potential of this business.
If you are a carpenter, you need a hammer. In networking, you need your clearbook. Some may think it is ‘baduy’ but I wonder how baduy earning 50T per week is. I’d rather be baduy and be financially free than ‘may dating pero walang datung’. Presenting is so much easier if you believe in what you are doing. This is why the first 2 stages of deciding, committing and building your foundation is so important.
You Will Be Rejected – This is the one guarantee you can count on. If network marketing has a tagline it should be: Do You Want to Earn a Million per Week? Then Get Ready to Be Rejected!!!! If you do not experience getting rejected doing this business, then you are doing something wrong. Prepare for it, expect it but don’t store it.Throw rejection away! For me this used to be the hardest part, I just couldn’t shake it off that easily. Getting insulted in the middle of a presentation is no joke. Now, when I get rejected or when people make me feel bad about this business, I just shake it off and pray. My decision to see this through is greater than any rejection thrown at me. Rejection simply means you can still improve. Remember, when you are rejected, just shake it off, vitamins lang yan.
“A rejection is nothing more than a necessary step in the pursuit of success.” - Bo Bennett
At this stage, do not expect a check.
Stage 4 – Nurturing Stage
Slow is Fast, Fast is Slow – Every time you sponsor someone, slow down. Being an upline is a big responsibility. You have to make sure your new downline knows what to do. Focus on each new member first and make sure they make the proper first steps. I have learned to sit down with each new downline and understand their goals and make them understand what they are going to be facing. Make them understand the real nature of the business, not just the rewards but also the challenges. Some guys can sponsor hundreds of direct referrals, earn big and then later on get confused why the big income does not come. Teaching downlines know how to do the business may be slow at first but this system pays dividends in the long run.
Increase Your Knowledge – When you become the upline, you become the source of energy, motivation and knowledge. This is where your long trainings come in handy. Read books on leadership, motivation, business and product knowledge. Ask your uplines if you don’t know.
Follow the 80-20 Rule – Look for downlines who are interested in the business and show commitment. Spend 80% of your time with these downlines. From a business and management perspective, you gain more by developing your performers. At this stage, your potential leaders will already start to emerge. Spend 20% of your time on the other downlines because you’ll never know when they will start to move.
Own the Business – One common pitfall I saw was the over reliance of people on their uplines. They let their uplines present and caddy them all the time. The top earners and fast rising stars are usually independent and treat their uplines like partners. These guys go their own way and treat the business like it’s their own business. Uplines are a great help especially if they are accessible but the absence of uplines shouldn’t be a reason for you to not do the business. Only you can be accountable for your success.
Look for Leaders – Leaders are one of a kind. These are the type of people who do not need any help yet perform greatly, show commitment and are always hungry for more. Leaders don’t emerge right away. According to the uplines, in the Royale Cavite group, it took six months for the first true leaders to really emerge. In a binary system, you only need 1 leader per side to really grow your network. One sign that you may have a leader is that your downline does not consult you but moves on his or her own doing the business. Don’t leave it at that, show your support.
[Here is the catch: It takes one to know one. Which means in order to have a great network, you need to have at least one leader per side of a binary. In order to find the leaders, you have to know what leaders are. In order to know what leaders are, you have to be one yourself.]
At this stage, expect small checks.
Stage 5 – Harvesting
At this stage you should have a pretty substantial network (at least 60 downlines). Here is what you should be doing to grow the network:
Develop Your Leaders – Meet them often. Learn to motivate them. The real leaders will probably surpass you in skills and it’s ok, let them grow. Most of your time should be spent chatting with them. But since actions speak louder than words, you need to be a good example.
Remember the FOLLOW UPLINE rule. Your downlines follow whatever positive habit you do and will magnify whatever negative habits you do.
But even if your upline is such a bad example, try not to follow that upline. Instead, follow your upline’s upline until you see someone you can emulate.
Enhance Your Skills – By now you should be able to present to a big crowd of 50 or more people. You should be the master of the MAM (Meeting After Meeting )and of Closing. You should radiate the confidence because more and more people will be looking up to you and following what you do.
Learn to Motivate – In the Phoenix Group, the leaders who know how to motivate best are also the top earners. You have now become the lighthouse of your group and there is no shying away from the limelight anymore. You cannot earn P100T per week while staying unknown and incognito. At this stage, the spotlight is on you, you might as well learn to shine.
At this stage, expect big checks that will continue to increase.
I really, really hope I helped in making you understand what network marketing really is. They call this the GET RICH SURE not the get rich quick business. I also hope that the Royale Business Club can help in making network marketing respectable again. It’s so sad to see a lot of our kababayans suffer financially when there is a very rewarding business they could do here.
Til next time!